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3 Technology Trends Shaping Today’s Senior Housing

Senior housing of the 20th century was aesthetically drab, uninviting and boring. Residents had very little expectation of privacy and most enjoyed fewer creature comforts at their nursing homes or assisted living facilities than they did in their own homes. There were relatively few choices in senior housing back then, so most elderly people simply moved into the senior housing facility nearest to their families.

Today, there are many more choices in senior housing. The population of the United States is growing older, and these aging Americans expect better senior housing than their parents and grandparents did. Because American seniors are living to an older age, they will also need senior housing for a longer time than their predecessors. Many Americans have put aside substantial savings towards retirement, so they look for senior housing with a wide variety of amenities and services.

This new attention towards senior housing is causing the development of trends in the senior living construction and renovation market. Here are three of the most important trends for 2015 and beyond.


Senior Housing News says that the use of technologies that allow seniors to live safely and independently in lower acuity settings will skyrocket. Social technology that keeps residents engaged and connected with friends and family will become especially important, as many adult children now live far from their elderly parents. One technology allows seniors to use their television to communicate with loved ones. These technologies must be fun, meaningful, and easy for seniors to use.

A Home Away from Home

Creating a home-like setting is also an important trend in senior construction and renovation. Incorporating a hospitality design into senior living facilities improves market acceptance and operational feasibility. Creating a home away from home atmosphere is also helpful for seniors living with early stages of cognitive decline or dementia.

Variety Is the Spice of Life

Most seniors have enjoyed the many choices that American life has to offer. Many seniors miss the endless variety of choices in food, clothing, and activities when they move from their own homes into a senior living facility.

Modern senior living construction and renovation design should offer seniors as many choices in their living environment as possible. Some seniors prefer small living quarters with conveniently placed appliances, while others require a great deal of space for wheelchair access or the belongings they want to keep.

For maximum market appeal, senior living construction and renovation should always reflect the most current trends in senior housing.

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