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4 New Year’s resolutions for care recipients

New Year’s Day marks the last stop of the holiday season, and might be the most important when planning for the future. After all, New Year’s is the time when individuals reflect on the last 12 months and resolve to live even fuller, happier lives in the next year. Brimming with opportunity, the holiday presents a moment for care recipients to make commitments to improve their wellness and lifestyle. Here are a few suggested New Year’s resolutions for people who are aging in place:

  1. Spend more time with family. Whether your children and grandchildren are nearby or far away, making a special effort to see loved ones in person can brighten everyone’s new year.
  2. Make new friends. Social isolation is one of the biggest challenges individuals face while aging in place. In the new year, you might find a community organization to expand your network, or take up a new hobby. You might be surprised by the number of book clubs, sewing circles and card game groups in your area.
  3. Give back more often. Donating old clothes to charity or reading to children at your local library can lend a sense of accomplishment to an already-full life.
  4. Look after your wellness. Moving forward into a new year presents many opportunities to be proactive about maintaining personal health and fitness. From setting aside time to walk around the neighborhood to modifying your diet for heart health, there are many small adjustments that can help you feel your best.

Individuals who are aging in place will never miss an appointment with Independa’s patented technology platform, accessible through the convenience of an LG TV. With handy medication reminders and other tools to assist in the activities of daily living, the system can help ensure a happy, restful year.

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