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Demand for eldercare may rise as dementia rates increase among middle-aged

For many older Americans, their need for assisted living or at-home eldercare doesn't stem from physical limitations, but mental ones. According to the Alzheimer's Association, one in eight individuals in this age group suffers from Alzheimer's disease, which can range in severity from occasional forgetfulness to complete disorientation, and the cost for their continued care was approximately $200 billion last year.

If these trends remain steady as the Baby Boomer generation ages, care managers will be faced with considerable challenges as they strive to accommodate the needs of those with dementia while expanding their operations. In addition, a new study from the United Kingdom indicates that others may begin to require this type of care at markedly younger ages than previously believed.

According to a press release from Bournemouth University, researchers have determined that dementia is affecting a greater percentage of older Americans, and – perhaps more alarmingly – it has even been diagnosed among people in their 50s.

"The lives of an increasing number of families struggling with working-age dementia are made so much more challenging by services which fail to keep pace with their needs and a society which believes dementia to be an illness of old age," said Bournemouth University Professor Colin Pritchard in a press release.

Based on these findings, it's clear that care managers can benefit from catering to those who need continual monitoring to help manage these conditions, but don't necessarily need assistance completing everyday tasks. With Independa's technology-enabled eldercare solutions, these professionals can do just that. Via our Caregiver Web App, care managers can use remote monitoring to keep track of residents in independent living, assisted living and memory care facilities, and those receiving care at home, and can set up medication reminders for those who need this form of support.

Contact us through our online form to learn how Independa can help you enhance your current services.

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