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eHealth for Seniors: How a TV can become a caregiver’s helper

Imagine that your beloved grandmother — the one who made you cookies, bandaged your skinned knees and listened to you practice trombone for hours on end — can’t attend your wedding because she is too frail to travel. You’d feel heartbroken that someone so dear to you cannot share in such an important event in your life.

Now imagine this scenario a little differently. This time, your grandmother attends your wedding from her favorite living room chair, using only her TV to transport her to the joyous event. Today, this has become reality with IndependaTV™.

Newlyweds with guest on their garden party

It’s true — the TV that your grandma or grandpa uses every day to watch their favorite shows now can let them stay socially connected to their families, friends, and caregivers. In the wedding scenario, the mother of the groom simply used her smartphone to bring her mother right to the event live. Otherwise without IndependaTV™ the groom’s grandma would not have been able to attend and would have missed a cornerstone event in her family’s history.

A social portal provides a window to the outside world

IndependaTV - TV for Seniors

IndependaTV™ is the world’s first and only TV specifically designed to provide eHealth services for caregivers and aging loved ones. Through video chat and photo sharing capabilities, IndependaTV™ allows your senior loved one to participate more freely and more frequently in the lives of their children and grandchildren.

IndependaTV™ acts as a true social portal, allowing seniors to stay independent longer in their homes and connecting them to friends and family members. Loved ones feel better knowing that their senior family member isn’t lonely and continues to feel loved and important within the family. They feel comforted by being able to see and talk with their loved ones instead of just talking to them on the phone.

Friendly interface, friendly name

The IndependaTV™ eHealth system is extremely user-friendly, and its software has a fittingly friendly name: Angela. Fun and easy to use, Angela gives an inviting personality to the system, which is specially made for seniors, with easy-to-read large fonts, high contrast, and bright colors.

Angela allows seniors to easily access social services, including video chat, sharing of photos, and messages with loved ones, and more. But IndependaTV™ and Angela go even further, serving as a true eHealth aid to caregiving with medication, appointment reminders and much more.

These days, TVs are a part of just about everyone’s life — and they’re so simple that almost everyone knows how to use them. If your senior loved one can use a TV, he or she can use IndependaTV and the Angela software for social and eHealth connections to loved ones and caregivers. Independa is giving independence and caregiving new possibilities.

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