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Eldercare community improves quality of life through “virtual visits”

As the older adult population grows, more independent living and residential eldercare communities are rising up to meet the demand – making this marketplace more competitive than ever. Low occupancy is a major concern among care managers at this stage, particularly given rising property and medical costs, so finding ways to distinguish your services from the rest is crucial at this time.

While it is naturally your objective as a care manager to ensure that the older adults entrusted to you enjoy the best quality of life possible, introducing resident-facing innovations that expressly cater to this goal can benefit your organization in many ways. For example, the vast majority of prospective residents visit the communities they are considering, often with family members in tow. In these instances, your current care recipients are your greatest asset, as they will give these undecided individuals a candid insight of what life in your care is like.

One method that a growing number of eldercare providers are turning to is the introduction of telecare services including video chat capabilities.

"Many [senior living] homes are beginning to see the potential of videoconferencing solutions, allowing elderly patients to connect more regularly with family members who may be too far away for regular personal visits. Seniors who can interact more regularly with loved ones show better health outcomes and are at reduced risk for depression and anxiety," notes the online media outlet Health Tech. 

The ability to connect with loved ones instantly via these "virtual visits" is an incredible draw for older adults and their family members. Independa's innovative telecare services include video chat capability and other innovations that have been specifically developed to promote quality of life among older adults. Contact us today via our online form to learn more.

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