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Embracing technology will help Baby Boomers age in place

The elderly population in America is set to balloon in the coming years, as members of the Baby Boomer generation reach retirement age. But, thanks to advances in technology-enabled eldercare – and the willingness of these individuals to embrace these developments – their post-retirement experience could well be radically different from that of their predecessors.

In a recent piece entitled "The New Retirement: A Vital Mix of Learning and Love," The Fiscal Times covered this shift, noting that many older individuals are eschewing the traditional concept of retirement and opting for less conventional lifestyles that incorporate connectivity, community and learning. Another priority for most Baby Boomers, Amy Levner, a representative from the AARP explained, was to remain in their homes throughout this time. Doing so, she noted, allows them to remain in comfortable and familiar surroundings while remaining close to family members and friends in their communities.

But, though aging in place may be preferable for this group, care managers and care givers are left wondering how they can accommodate this inclination while still ensuring that those who require continual monitoring receive it.

Thankfully, just as the preferences of elderly people have changed, so too has their attitude toward digital monitoring and other technological advancements in eldercare.

"Boomers are far more receptive to technologies that monitor and help them, unlike their parents who often shunned wearing a Life Alert bracelet or necklace," the source stated. This willingness to make use of digital home care solutions could very well transform at-home eldercare and assisted living community practices, giving professionals the chance to enhance their services and cater to more clients. Independa was featured in the article as a front-runner in the field of telemonitoring, as its innovative approach to in-home care incorporates video chats, digital tracking and more to facilitates independent living. This allows care managers to constantly keep track of and maintain contact with their care recipients while still allowing these individuals to retain their privacy and independence.

Contact Independa through our online form today to learn more about our eldercare solutions, and how you can address the needs of this growing community through our comprehensive digital platforms.

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