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How telecare can promote dignity and quality of life for care recipients

While care managers strive to ensure that the physical needs of their care recipients are met, they are also responsible to the emotional well-being of this population. As such, it is a primary prerogative for these professionals to continually find ways to improve the quality of life their clients enjoy, both on-site and off.

Recently, U.K. news outlet the Daily Echo reported on the role that telecare has come to play, both in improving the quality of life for older individuals and preserving a care recipient’s sense of dignity by facilitating independent living for a greater portion of the population.

“People want to stay in a home of their own for as long as possible and telecare can provide the confidence to enable them to do this,” said British official Anna McNair Scott, who is currently overseeing a project to encourage wide-scale telecare adoption among the English county of Hampshire.

“For example, someone who remains in a home of their own, but has help with washing or dressing, may also use telecare to remind them to take their medication or detect any falls,” Scott added.

Advancements in this area, such as Independa’s innovative eldercare technology, can help older Americans feel more empowered, enabling them to play a more active role in their own care. With services including remote monitoring and medical reminders, care managers can provide the support these individuals need without infringing on their privacy or independence. Care recipients, meanwhile, can access their records, contact caregivers and loved ones freely via video chat, email and Facebook.

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