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It’s never too late to adopt a dog

When determining the logistics to allow seniors to age in place, adding a dog to the equation might sound like a burden. However, adopting a canine companion later in life can lead to many physical and emotional benefits for owners, who enjoy the exercise and personal reward of caring for a pet. 

As individuals get older and feel determined to age in place, they may want to minimize the responsibilities in their day-to-day lives to focus on what's most important to them. One of those things is companionship, which can be hugely empowering to older adults. Older individuals may experience the loss of spouses, friends and other loved ones, while their younger family members can't be physically present at all times to provide support and affection. Dogs can provide warm company while also offering protection for their owners. 

"Research tells us that companion animals, such as cats and dogs, can help improve our physical and mental health," reports PAWS Companions, an organization that facilitates pet adoption for older people. "By adopting and spending time with a animal friend, you can experience the benefits of lowered stress levels and blood pressure."

Furthermore, dogs lend routine and activity to a person's day. As an external reason to get up and get out, care recipients can know that they're of service to another living thing, and reap the benefits of exercise and stability. They might even expand their social circle by networking at the local dog park. 

Independa's Angela™ software interface plays a key role in supporting independent living for seniors, and provides the support caregivers need. Pet care can be seamlessly integrated into a dock of reminders, which allow people who live independently to stay on task. 

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