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Record-breaking swimmer Diana Nyad shows age truly is just a number

In the classic Beatles track “When I’m 64,” Paul McCartney outlined an image of old age that many people still hold today. However, just as the singer himself – who continues to perform worldwide at the age of 71 – has shown, it’s clear that mending fuses and knitting by the fireside isn’t for everyone at this stage in life. In fact, 64-year-old swimmer Diana Nyad has further obliterated this misconception by becoming the first person ever to successfully swim from Cuba to Florida without using a shark cage. The trek took approximately 53 hours, and Nyad arrived at a beach in Key West at 2 p.m. EST on Monday, September 2, much to the elation of hundreds of supporters.

But, what is it about Nyad’s story that has struck such a chord across the country? In an interview with CBS, Nyad explained that the appeal of her story isn’t the athleticism, but the determination. She said that her mantra throughout the swim was “find a way,” and anyone who has had to overcome an obstacle – be it heartache, physical impairment or some other obstruction – could instantly relate to her struggle, and ultimately take inspiration from her triumph.

Nyad told the source that the crowds of people who rushed to welcome her ashore were there not to see a record-breaking act of athleticism, but “to witness the living out of that message, never, ever give up […] They’re looking at me as a baby boomer, saying life is not over at this age by any means.”

Many people appreciate the contribution that older adults can and do make to society as a whole, and how enriching it is to interact with these men and women on a regular basis. Even our most vital older citizens may need a bit of extra support. At Independa, we specialize in innovative telecare services that facilitate independent living. Contact us through our online form today to learn more.

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