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Remote monitoring helps care managers, health professionals respond to crucial shifts

While care managers and medical professionals are continually investigating new means by which they can cut down on operational costs without restricting the scope or quality of their services, the need for such innovations is all the more dire in the face of an aging Baby Boomer generation. With the elderly population en route to swell to unprecedented proportions, those charged with caring for this group must find ways to capitalize on their current resources to meet the growing demand.

As we’ve touched upon in previous posts, remote monitoring systems have recently been introduced to help care managers expand their services and utilize their personnel more effectively. In a recent piece from regional news outlet NewJersey.com, professionals in the eldercare industry discussed how these developments may ease the strain placed on this field and ultimately benefit care managers and recipients alike.

“The whole idea [of independent living communities] is to keep residents at their highest functioning level, and technology is seen as being able to play a role in that,” said Healthcare Association of New Jersey president Paul Langevin.

One care manager told the news outlet that introducing movement sensors and other forms of remote monitoring equipment helped her staff identify a behavioral shift in a resident who was usually active early in the morning. Upon noticing the change, an employee went to check on the care recipient and discovered that the woman was seriously ill.

Independa’s technology-enabled eldercare allows these professionals to track residents and home-based care recipients via a remote monitoring system. Care managers can set up medical reminders and solicit responses from their communities to ensure that essential directives are followed. In addition, Independa’s Angela interface enables users to reach out to friends and family with the touch of a button using video chat, email and Facebook. To learn more, contact us today through our online form.

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