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Report: 1.47 million elderly households in “worst-case” situations in 2011

Previously on this blog, we’ve reported on how the rising number of Americans reaching the age of 65 has increased demand for assisted living communities in the U.S. According to a 2011 report from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) though, even when the right long-term care situation is found, many older Americans cannot afford it.

As of 2011, 1.47 million elderly households were in what is referred to as “worst-case” situations, meaning that the members of the household had incomes below 50 percent of the Area Median Income and either spent over half their earnings on rent or lived in “severely inadequate conditions,” according to the report. High-age individuals who are experiencing those types of financial constraints are much less likely to be able to move to assisted living communities, as nursing and monitoring can run up costs for eldercare.

In an article for the New England Real Estate Journal, Michael Bertrand, a healthcare and senior housing practice leader from New Orleans, Louisiana, discussed the importance of providing low-cost housing for the nation’s older citizens, writing that affordable senior housing has become an increasingly high priority for the eldercare industry.

“After nearly four years of economic challenges, the [United States] is starting to exhibit some signs of recovery, however, increasing costs and funding cuts are now the business reality of caring for aging Americans,” Bertrand stated in the article.

Assisted living communities looking to use the latest technologies to monitor more care recipients without placing more stress on their staffs should look at eldercare solutions like Independa. With software like our Caregiver Web App, support staff can schedule prescription reminders and arrange social calendars for the elderly. Care managers can easily configure the app via a convenient dashboard to deliver the alerts. Companies seeking independent living aids that can help the elderly lead more active lives should reach out to Independa by email through our contact us page.

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