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Studies show Mediterranean diet may slow aging

When creating a lifestyle that allows older individuals to stay healthy and vibrant, the significance of diet should not be understated. However, science and conventional wisdom sometimes send mixed messages about what is effective for staving off the aging process. As it turns out, the optimal diet or staying fit and happy mirrors what the ancient Greeks and Romans consumed thousands of years ago, and is easy to shop for at your local supermarket. 

This week, Boston researchers confirmed what has long been touted as a key to delaying the effects of aging: a Mediterranean diet. This diet is rich in olive oil, fish, vegetables and moderate consumption of wine. A recent study in the British Medical Journal showed that adhering closely to those staples may add one-and-a-half years to a person's lifespan. The study also found that the ingredients worked in concert to promote wellness while aging in place

"Mediterranean diet components such as vegetables, fish, and wine are rich in antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory effects that could protect against cell aging, but the researchers didn't find that any single food offered more benefits than another," writes Deborah Kotz in the Globe. "Rather, it was the combination of dietary components."

Integrating aspects of the Mediterranean diet into your daily menu is easy. Substituting fish in place of red meat or poultry can give your table a seaside flair, and olive oil can be used in place of vegetable or canola oil for many classic recipes. Eating a Mediterranean-style diet may also reduce the incidence of heart disease by 30 percent, according to a clinical trial published in the New England Journal of Medicine. 

Both caregivers and care recipients may consider integrating Mediterranean mainstays into their routines. With our intuitive Angela™ user interface accessed through HDMI-enabled televisions, families can discuss lifestyle adaptations to help ensure many happy, healthy years together. 

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