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Study shows connection between emotional trauma and fall risk

As a care manager, the quality of life that your care recipients enjoy is a top priority. It is this very concern that has inspired the development of innovative telecare products like Independa. With that in mind, keeping abreast of the risks this population faces is essential. After all, while it is not your position to provide medical treatment for the older adults you care for, it is in your power to observe and act on changes in their condition.

Recently, researchers from the Veterans' Affairs Medical Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, might a vital discovery that could affect care managers across the country. According to a press release, lead author Dr. Howard Fink and his associates have unearthed a correlation between stressful life events – such as the loss of a loved one – and an increased risk of suffering a fall among older men.

"To my knowledge, this is the first prospective study to examine the independent association between stressful life events and the risk of falls in community-dwelling older men. We believe it provides the strongest evidence to date supporting stressful life events as a risk factor for falls," he explained. The potential cause for this relationship between these two happenings.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in three older adults suffers a fall every year, the severity of which can lead to pronounced mobility issues. As such, care managers may wish to instruct their staff to pay particular attention to older men who have experienced some form of emotional trauma to potentially offset their increased risk.

Accidents happen, but with revolutionary tools like Independa's Angela and Caregiver Web App, you can ensure that your care recipients receive the attention they need. Our Caregiver Web App features remote monitoring capabilities, so you can keep track of your care recipients and receive alerts when something isn't quite right. Contact us today through our online form to learn more about how Independa can supplement your services.

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