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Study shows value of “perceived control” among older adult care recipients

Ensuring care recipient satisfaction is a primary concern for care managers, but many older adults may find it difficult – at least initially – to accept that they require the consistent assistance of others. This discomfort is especially pronounced for older adults who are transitioning to residential communities.

However, a recent study conducted by Australia’s Deakin University has revealed that the quality of life for older adults may be improved by appealing to both their primary and secondary perceptions of control. The first, according to assisted living news outlet McKnight’s, refers to an individual’s “capacity to make changes to the environment to fit one’s desires or needs,” while the second “refers to cognitive changes within a person to adapt to his/her environment.”

The study analyzed the satisfaction of older adults in independent living and residential community environments to gauge the effect of perceived control on overall quality of life. They ultimately determined that perceived control could still remain high within senior living communities, but that acceptance of this change was all the more important in scenarios where the physical ability to alter the environment was limited.

Using Independa to improve care recipient satisfaction

Based on these findings, the researchers concluded that empowering older adults and assisting them in adapting to their new level of care can have a notable impact on personal satisfaction. Independa’s caregiving support technology can assist with both of these aspects by enabling older adults to take a more active role in their own care.

Whether living at home or in a residential community, older adults can use Independa’s Angela interface to communicate freely with caregivers and loved ones via Facebook, video chat and more. In addition, tools like medical reminders and remote monitoring mean that care managers can oversee their care recipients while still facilitating their relative independence.

As well as addressing primary perceived control, Independa’s senior living technology can also help older adults adjust to a change in their living situation, as the very applications that make them feel more empowered can also create a greater sense of connectivity and community. This is particularly beneficial for older adults who initially rely on Independa for home care support and then transition to a senior living community.

Contact us through our online form today to learn more about how Independa can help you meet the needs of your care recipients.

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