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New Survey Finds Pandemic Major Contributor to Half of Older Adults Giving Up Hope

Technology solutions for senior care are key to enhancing connectivity and well-being during isolation. New survey finds pandemic major contributor to half of older adults giving up hope.  

Study Shows Three-Quarters of Older Adults Abusing Prescription Drugs and Two-Thirds Abusing Alcohol

SAN DIEGO, Calif. – November 18, 2020Independa, innovators of the award winning TV-based social engagement, education and care platform, today announced the results of a commissioned U.S. consumer survey, finding COVID-19 has had a critical impact on older adults’ mental health and physical health.

The results detail alarming new statistics about older adults abusing prescription drugs and alcohol, feeling despondent and being at an increased risk of committing suicide since COVID-19. On the positive side, the survey found older adults have largely exercised COVID-19 safety precautions, significantly limiting the amount of times they leave home.

The nationwide survey of 1,000 American adults with an older adult parent (over 70) who lives alone found that during COVID-19:

  • Three out of four (77%) are abusing prescription drugs
  • Nearly two-thirds (65%) are abusing alcohol
  • Over half (54%) have a diminished will to live
  • Nearly half (49%) are believed to be at increased risk for self-harm/suicide
  • 70% of older adults ventured outside their home fewer than 15 times (14% haven’t left home once)

“We have all been isolated from friends and family during the pandemic, but no demographic suffers more than our older adults,” said Kian Saneii, founder and CEO of Independa. “The survey we commissioned shows just how badly our older adults are failing to thrive in isolation leading to significant health risks to an already vulnerable population.”

Other interesting findings from the survey include:

  • Over half of men (51%) are at an increased risk of suicide and self-harm, compared to 37% of women
  • 76% are experiencing mental health decline
  • 68% are experiencing physical health decline
  • 88% are more isolated from loved ones
  • Out of all interactions, 53% report their parent misses “seeing their face” the most
  • Over half (53%) feel forgotten about
  • 85% of adult children of older adults feel considerable guilt about not being able to do more for their parent
  • Half (50%) believe video chat is the next best option to in-person visits for connecting with their parent

“Sadly and untenably, as older adults dramatically reduce social engagement in support of COVID-19 protocols, they risk serious mental health issues,” Saneii added. “As humans, we need social connectivity, and as a compassionate society and species, we can and must do better to protect our older adults without further exacerbating their already prevalent challenges of isolation and loneliness.”

About Independa:

Founded in 2009, Independa, Inc, is the innovator of the award-winning TV-based social engagement, education and care platform. Through its software subscription platform, Independa enables the best yet most simplified remote engagement for those most difficult to reach, most socially isolated, and most expensive to care for — whether professionally or through family and friends. Independa transforms a person’s standard TV into a bi-directional engagement window to the world, enabling caregivers and loved ones alike to connect with the TV through a standard browser or an iOS or Android app. For older adult living communities, homecare organizations and hospitals, Independa provides technology solutions for senior care and improves residents’ quality of life and care, while increasing organizational effectiveness and operational efficiencies across the care continuum. Independa helps people stay at their residence of choice longer, safer and more comfortably, delaying or even preventing the next episode or stage of care, delivering on the joys and possibilities of a Life, Connected™.

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Media Contact:
Independa, Inc.
Katherine Sablan
FortyThree, Inc. for Independa

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