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The holidays are a great time to reduce household clutter

For many people, physical belongings like keepsakes and souvenirs represent happy experiences and fond memories. At a certain point, however, aesthetic and function are also important. Asking a care recipient to part with his or her possessions may be tricky, but the holidays are a great time to start that conversation and look for ways to simplify maintenance at home. 

During the holiday season, decorations come out of storage, seasonal wardrobes are packed into boxes and homeowners size up the usefulness of their many kitchen appliances. There are many things a person doesn't need, and reducing clutter can lead to a more comfortable, less stressful home. Old apparel can find a new home with hundreds of clothing drives and it might even be time for some family heirlooms to be passed to the next generation. Pictures taking space on shelves can easily be hung on walls, and boxes of old photos can be shelved in albums. 

Jancee Dunn of AARP interviewed a professional organizer, who insisted that decluttering requires time and patience. 

"Put a few hours on your calendar, she says, and honor the commitment the way you would a doctor's appointment," writes Dunn. "Then, play some music, enlist a friend to help, pour some wine — whatever works so you get cracking. Sort things into three piles — keep, toss and donate — and tackle what makes you most bonkers first."

Caregivers can assist their loved ones by giving their home an update without the cost and inconvenience of a full remodel. Transforming a care recipient's home with an organization overhaul can reinvent a space for everyone to enjoy. 

You may find you can simplify space the way Independa streamlines caregiving. Families can connect using the intuitive Angela™ user interface, which allows users to chat share photos, and receive handy reminders through the convenience of an LG TV or another HDMI-enabled television. In addition, by using our popular Life Stories module, families can preserve precious memories of their loved ones.

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