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What do older adults need to age in place?

According to a 2012 AARP study, the majority of American adults over 45 plan on aging in place, meaning that they'll stay in their current homes regardless of their age or physical ability. While the demand to live in supervised care facilities like nursing homes has diminished in recent years, these establishments serve an important purpose: They keep older adults safe and promote their well-being. 

Thanks to medical and technological advances, though, Americans are living longer and healthier lives. At a time when many octogenarians are running marathons and traveling around the world, is it necessary for all of them to require round-the-clock supervised care? Most people would argue no, but will admit that older adults may need some additional assistance when it comes to their memories and cognitive health. 

According to the Alzheimer's Association, a person's risk for developing the disease or similar forms of severe dementia doubles every five years after age 65. So while an older adult may have no problem zipping up and down the stairs or performing light home repairs, it's likely that their memory skills may be diminished. They may need to be reminded to take their medications or to attend a doctor's appointment. 

This gentle prompting can be done by family members instead of a full-time care professional as long as they have convenient means with which to do this work. Independa's Caregiver Web Application is an easy-to-use centralized solution that allows caregivers and their loved ones to stay in close contact and work together to improve their well-being. For a demo, contact us through our online form

Are you helping a loved one who is aging in place? Have technological solutions made this work easier? Let us know on our Facebook page!

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