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What’s next for senior living communities: Leveraging a diminishing workforce

One of the biggest trends in senior housing for the year to come is the essential role technology will play in helping senior living communities stand out, and how the adoption of telecare may enable care managers to cater to a wave of older care recipients. In addition, there is one more important factor that Senior Housing News highlighted in its summary of 2014 trends: The issue of labor.

"Labor issues maybe the greatest long-term challenge for senior living and senior housing. As the demand for senior care increases, so do the labor needs to serve the growing demographic," the source states

Professional caregivers and other eldercare employees require a combination of qualities that are becoming increasingly hard to come by, including – above all else – a passion for improving the lives of older adults. Unfortunately, this field has garnered a reputation for the challenges it presents, and negative reports, including the Frontline piece on Emeritus, have shed light on instances of severe mismanagement. 

"Senior living jobs are typically associated with low pay, high stress, increasing injury rates and working nights and weekends," Senior Housing News notes. 

So what can Senior Providers do as the demand for skilled caregivers surges while supply of a qualified workforce remains low? As with care recipients, the best way to draw experienced caregivers is to demonstrate your dedication to your current employees. What challenges do your staff members encounter every day, and what can be done to address these obstacles?  

Independa's Caregiver Web App has been specifically designed to enhance the quality of care by streamlining workflow for care managers and care givers. This technology enables remote monitoring from a centralized dashboard, so Senior Providers can utilize their caregivers more effectively without sacrificing quality of care. This can eliminate the need for time-consuming rounds and reporting, ultimately easing the burden on staff while expanding their scope and creating a more supportive environment. Contact us through our online form to learn more or request a demo.

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