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Helping your parents take charge of aging and avoid isolation

As individuals age, most hope to retain the ability to make their own choices. Experts say that is possible — with the right planning. A new pilot program from the National Council on Aging is teaching people to master aging, with a significant focus on gaining the motivation to avoid isolation.

The effects of isolation on seniors

The U.S. Census Bureau reports that in 2010, about 11 million people — 28 percent of those over age 65 — lived alone. Living alone does not automatically lead to isolation, as A Place For Mom notes, but it is a factor that contributes to isolation and loneliness.

Lack of mobility, retirement and the death of friends and loved ones can decrease social contact as people age. And the results can be devastating. Loneliness and social isolation both are associated with an increased risk of mortality in people over age 52, according to a 2012 study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Feelings of isolation also can negatively impact both physical and mental health in seniors.


IndependaTV™ helps seniors take charge, avoid isolation

Adult children who can’t see their parents regularly — whether due to a move or obligations that leave little time — often are wracked with guilt and worry. IndependaTV™ is a user-friendly solution to the problem of isolation for individuals aging in place in their homes.

IndependaTV™ provides multiple ways for seniors to experience social engagement. With social sharing, video chat and more, seniors can interact with loved ones every day or even multiple times each day. With the simple-to-use interface, grandparents can chat with their grandchildren, hearing all about sporting events and what happened in school.

If your parents can use a TV remote, they can use IndependaTV™, and you gain peace of mind through the system’s security features and tracking of health metrics. When you can’t be there in person, IndependaTV™ can help ensure that your parents never feel lonely or isolated.

To learn more about the IndependaTV™ solution, download our free brochure.

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