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Researchers publish optimistic study on aging and cognitive function

One of the adverse effects of aging many anticipate is the slow decline in cognitive function. However, the natural progression might not be as severe as many believe. According to a study by the University of Cambridge and Medical Research Council's Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, differences between older brains and younger brains are less pronounced than has been reported in the past. 

The study draws a distinction between cognitive ability, or the capacity to assess information and reason through tasks, and vascular "noise." The latter grows in older people as blood flow changes with age, and the report claims that vascular noise can skew measurements of cognitive acuity. This means that previous measurements of cognitive decline were potentially skewed because it's impossible to get an accurate reading of brain activity without accounting for vascular noise. 

"They found that the age differences in fMRI signals during a task are correlated to vascular, not neuronal, activity," explains Richard Moss of Gizmag. "And this extends to sensory tasks. Once corrected for the vascular noise, apparent reductions in brain activity in the visual and auditory areas disappeared. The implication is that prior studies may have overestimated the effect of aging on cognition and other areas of brain activity."

For individuals who are aging in place, this optimistic development can shift perspectives. With greater confidence in their ability to stay sharp as they get older, care recipients can embrace a positive outlook that enhances quality of life. 

At Independa, our intuitive Angela™ platform supports the activities of daily life. Accessible through the convenience of an LG TV or any other HDMI-enabled television equipped with our AnyTV Companion, Independa technology supports individuals as they age in place. 

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