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Spring has sprung, so get ready to garden

With spring just around the corner, many individuals who are aging in place are looking forward to the opportunity to get outside and enjoy some sunshine. One of the activities of daily living that can promote physical and emotional wellness is gardening. The process of planting seeds or seedlings and then watching them grow into mature, vibrant plants can be reward in and of itself. However, there are several unexpected health benefits that come along with a green thumb. 

Like lifting weights, the motions of gardening can help build muscle strength and bone density. Without overexerting themselves, gardeners over 65 can enjoy many benefits from the physical demands of maintaining a plot. 

"The related tasks require your body to shift and move from position to position – engaging many muscle groups and challenging your joint flexibility and strength," explains C Health. "During a gardening session, a safe and healthy gardener would alternate between lifting, stretching, walking, kneeling, climbing, raking, weeding, and digging."

Gardening also provides older people with an impressive supply of flowers, plants and vegetables to enjoy and share. It can also be a hobby for caregivers and care recipients to enjoy together. Older people can bring family members, friends and other important people into the project for an afternoon of conversation and meaningful activity. This can lead to a happier, calmer state of mind, according to C Health.  

At Independa, out intuitive Angela™ platform supports the activities of daily living. Our technology is accessible through the convenience of an LG TV or any other HDMI-enabled television equipped with our AnyTV Companion. Whether you're scheduling a garden party or remembering to water your flowers, our handy alerts support aging in place. 

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