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Where can technology take your senior living community?

Technology has made significant inroads in senior communities in recent years. And as technological capabilities continue to progress, senior living communities are discovering opportunities to improve productivity, efficiency and residents’ quality of life. Where might quickly advancing tech take your community over the next five years?

Technology replacing staff

A 2011 study in the Journal of the American College of Surgeons noted that without significant expansion of training programs, the ongoing medical labor shortage would stand at 20 percent less than demand by 2025.

Some experts predict that increasingly, technology will step in to meet demand for nurses and nursing assistants. While the technology to make this happen is still developing, many communities already are using electronic medical records, smart beds and other point-of-care technologies to increase staff productivity.


Better communications and metrics logging

Technologies that facilitate easy communication and logging of health markers also can aid communities in covering staff shortfalls. But such technologies also go further because they can serve independent residents as well as those needing nursing care.

With IndependaTVe™, activities directors, security staff and others can easily communicate with many residents at once rather than slipping fliers under doors. Loved ones can check on their senior relatives remotely — through a simple-to-use dashboard available on desktop computers and mobile devices — rather than contacting staff members. And caregivers can log up-to-date health metrics conveniently and immediately.

Reducing injuries, saving time

Many communities already are using technologies like electronic lifts that reduce injuries. As technology advances, improvements will continue in the areas that produce the most injuries and accidents in senior living communities. For example, robotic medication dispensers can ensure that residents who are physically able to take pills on their own get the right amounts of their medications. Documentation technologies also continue to improve, and medical staff soon may be able to speak commands rather than type them, keeping their hands free.

Nurse Using Digital Tablet At Nurses Station

Where is technology taking your community?

Are there areas in which implementing new technologies could make your senior living community more productive, better informed and safer? Improved communications, higher efficiency and reduced injuries are just a few of the areas that will benefit as technology continues to advance.

To learn more about the IndependaTVe™ solution for your organization, download our free brochure.

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