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Harnessing the latest technology to support aging in place

As the average age of the American consumer rises, more and more organizations are recognizing the need for caregiver solutions that support the population's overwhelming desire for aging in place. In the past, an older adult's decision to age in place meant that their loved ones, usually their children or other relatives, had to constantly worry about their wellbeing and call or visit regularly to ensure their care recipient remembered to take their medications and was in good health. 

The stress of not knowing whether the older adult was eating enough, had enough stimulation and was coping well with the activities of daily living could quickly wear down even the most committed and patient caretaker. Fortunately, much of the stress and anxiety caused by not knowing the condition of their loved one has now been dismissed by advances in caregiver monitor sensors and other caregiving technology trends. 

A recent article published by the AARP focused on the case of Phil D'Eramo, who once had to call his parents five times a day to ensure their wellness. As an only child separated by his parents by distance and professional commitments, D'Eramo's worries about his parents was impacting his work and keeping him up at nights. That is, until D'Eramo installed six sensors on his parents' pillboxes, the refrigerator, the microwave, the bathroom door and his father's key chain.

"We've entered the era of low-cost, miniaturized, technological capabilities that enable smarter caregiving and greater independence," Laurie Orlov, an aging in place technology analyst, told the AARP. 

These sensors allow for non-stigmatizing monitoring of activity. For example, D'Eramo will now know whether his parents have eaten, whether they were able to get in and out of the bathroom safely and if they have taken their necessary medications. 

Other versions of these sensors are equipped with GPS sensors that monitor a wearers location and can even alert the appropriate authorities in the event of a fall or accident. 

Many older adults are also more likely to utilize these devices as the stigma surrounding their use fades. Where once a smart-bracelet or other wearable tech might have embarrassed a wearer, today technology such as the Fitbit and other wellness monitoring devices have become mainstream. After all, if college students and athletes see nothing wrong with utilizing the devices, why should older adults?

Of course, even with the advances in sensors, caretakers still need a means to view updates and receive alerts. Fortunately for both today's caretakers and care recipients, Independa's home health care solutions represent an intuitive, cost-effective and integrated answer to the dilemma. 

With Independa's Caregiver Web Application synced to sensors or any other connected devices, caregivers can receive Smart Reminders for events, medications and check in's as well as a host of other benefits. The Caregiver Mobile Application can also be accessed through any smartphone, ensuring that users can receive alerts and access a Wellness Summary no matter where they find themselves that day. 

Used in conjunction with our unique and intuitive care recipient-facing Angela™ Software Interface, caregivers and recipients can enjoy one-touch video chat as well as many other powerful capabilities. The Angela™ interface arrives pre-installed on an LG television, a device that is designed specifically for ease of use for older adults with larger screen fonts, higher contrast and brighter colors included in our intuitive user interface. With Angela™, no prior technology experience is required, and care recipients receive a fun and inviting solution to social isolation, a preeminent concern accompanying the decision to age in place. 

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