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Heartfelt USA Today piece recognizes caregivers this Thanksgiving

Here at Independa, we value the work of senior providers and caregivers who have dedicated their lives to enhancing the quality of life of America's older adult population. We've also strived to recognize the dedication shown by millions of informal caregivers who have risen to the challenge of looking after elderly loved ones.

In a touching piece for USA Today, columnist Alcestis "Cooky" Oberg detailed the incredible efforts of two family members who took on the role of caregiver for an aging aunt with Alzheimer's disease. The mother and daughter worked ceaselessly to help Oberg's aunt feel at ease over the course of 10 years as her cognitive abilities declined, all while holding full-time jobs.

"This Thanksgiving, we should give our full-throated thanks for selfless caregivers such as these two women. They teach us so much about the purest form of love — one that is wordless and that is unconditional, with no expectation of reward. They quietly sacrifice years of their lives to care for someone who might not even know their names anymore," wrote Oberg.

This story of love and dedication is extraordinary, but it is not unique. Millions of Americans across the country have taken on the role of caregiver for older adult relatives – and some are even trying to manage this task from hundreds of miles away.

In addition to giving thanks to family caregivers, now is the time to ask, "What can we do to help?" Previously on this blog, we reported that women in particular are less likely to hold positions in the work force upon assuming the role of informal caregiver. Though the research didn't prove cause and effect, it's clear that Senior Providers must shift focus to home-based caregiver support to help ease the burden on this "sandwich generation."

Aging in place is widely preferred among older adults today, and telecare services like Independa's Angela interface can go a long way toward facilitating this wish while sparing family members from undue strain. With capabilities including remote monitoring, medical reminders and easy-to-use communication channels including video chat and email, Independa can enhance the quality of life enjoyed by older adults while providing relief and peace of mind for their loved ones. Contact us through our online form to learn more.

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