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How can “life review” help seniors remain in their homes as they age?

New research from New York University has found that a writing workshop that includes conversations between seniors and college students can provide older adults with an enhanced sense of meaning, helping them remain independent.

Researchers say the key component is “life review,” or looking back over life events in a systematic way. What are some ways seniors can take part in such beneficial activities that help them maintain well­being?

Participating in formal programs

In the NYU program, researchers studied the benefits of a program known as Living Legends, which assigned seniors to participate in a writing workshop and paired them with college students for discussion.

Most areas of the United States feature programs in which seniors can participate for similar benefits. Senior centers, recreation departments, universities, community colleges, local school systems, libraries and other resources offer myriad programs that can keep seniors engaged and involved.

Interacting with younger people

Spending time with children and teens helps older adults relate to different generations, learn how to use new technologies and act as role models, notes the Puget Sound area’s Healthy Aging Partnership. Seniors can become more active through sharing in the excitement that children bring to the world — and, as a result, decrease feelings of depression, relieve boredom and improve their overall health.

Using technology

With its engaging and interactive features, IndependaTVe™ is the perfect platform for seniors to participate in their own form of “life review.” Using video chat, seniors can share their experiences and wisdom with children and grandchildren, enjoying both the benefits of reliving fond memories and interacting with other generations. Using Independa’s “Life Stories” and a telephone they can record their stories to share with their families.

Senior Woman Watching Widescreen TV At Home

IndependaTVe™ also ensures that seniors never miss out on important milestones like family weddings, graduations and other significant events, since they can easily “attend” via video chat.

Beneficial partnerships: Seniors and technology, formal programs and younger people

By taking advantage of local resources, interacting with different generations and making use of valuable senior technology, individuals can stay engaged as they age. Incorporating life review in all three can enhance feelings of well­being and decrease depression, helping seniors stay independent and remain in their homes.

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